head down (demo) – little hole filled

this a demo for a song from tenderboys metal band little hole filled
recorded live (except for vocals) at a rehearsal in a small cottage in upper austria in the woods..far from anywhere…out in the wilderness

the band consists of:
otto hackl – guitar
thomas breiteneder – drums
manfred steininger – bass
tenderboy – vocals, guitar

Head Down (demo)- little hole filled by mieze medusa & tender

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Über tenderboy

Audio engineer for live & Studio Producer the unfunk side of hiphop Neue Single "mehrmehrmehr" jetzt erhältlich...ua. auf http://itunes.apple.com/at/album/mehrmehrmehr-ep/id515940936 aktuelles album "mieze medusa & tenderboy - Tauwetter" jetzt im handel als CD, Vinyl und mp3-Download